Firmer legs with combined treatments before summer

Nowadays, looking well-kept, aesthetically pleasing, healthy and fit are values that go hand in hand. Of course for us doctors, our patient’s health comes first. However health alone is not enough anymore.


Maintaining weight is more important than losing weight...Many people who lose weight and get rid of their localized excess weight with supplementary methods are unable to follow through with the weight maintenance program. According to a study conducted in the USA, it was observed that 98% of obese patients regained their weight 1 year after losing it.


When should we implement diet programs?


The answer is, weight should be lost during winter and this weight must be maintained throughout the spring. Here, the most important point of consideration is the diet. We all want to lose weight, which has become an important part of the preparations for the summer season. However, the summer period is usually seen as a time to eat.


Weight loss programs should not be implemented alone and should be combined with weight maintenance programs. For example, for someone who wants to lose 5 kilograms, if the duration of this weight loss is 1,5-2 months, the weight loss program in total must last for 5 months, so that this person is both able to lose the weight and maintain their weight as well. At the same time, during this process, the person will be able to get used to their new diet.


What are some of the mistakes committed in diet programs?


No matter how much weight a person loses, it is inevitable that they will regain that weight unless they maintain their diet and their weight. In short, it is much more important to maintain the weight than losing the weight. Additionally, if you start to regain your weight after getting rid of your excess weight, losing weight again will prove to be very troublesome. The reason is that now the metabolic rate is much slower. A person can participate in a weight maintenance program without starving themselves or skipping meals. The biggest mistake made by people who want to lose weight is the idea of eliminating dinner altogether, skipping meals and not eating on certain days. This will cause an imbalance in both the body's insulin levels and the metabolism. This is the reason behind sweet cravings.  


If people with localized excess weight lose their weight with diet programs rather than supportive programs, this means that there is less weight loss from problematic areas. In this case, if that person regains that weight, it can be observed that they regained even more weight in the problematic areas. The reason is that there is less blood circulation in those areas. All in all, frequent dieting mean an increase in size in problematic areas. For instance, we may have a larger hip or belly even if we lost and regained 5 kilograms and ultimately stayed on the same weight.




With electrotherapy applications, fat burning rate increases, losing weight becomes easier...


Electrotherapy is a weight loss method which gives definition to saggy and weak muscles, improves skin quality and tightens the area of application. Biostimulation is the advanced version of electrotherapy treatments.


What are the areas of application for electrotherapy?


It is simply not possible to give firmness to certain areas with exercise. However, with biostimulation, you can tighten up the abdomen, and the insides of arms and legs.


What is Radio Frequency?

Radiofrequency is a heat-controlled slimming and shaping method. Radiofrequency is a treatment method used against cellulite, localized fattening and sagging problems in the face and body areas.




What is the purpose of the procedure?

The purpose is to increase the temperature of the heated (treated area) area to 41-42 C degrees (normally the body’s temperature is 36-37 degrees). When the skin’s temperature reaches this point, the temperature in the subcutaneous area corresponds to 50-55 degrees. This heat does not cause any damage to the body.

How Is the Effect Mechanism?

The following mechanisms operate during the radiofrequency application;


1- With the proven effect of Radiofrequency energy, the fats are dissolved and released. Radiofrequency heats up the fat cells and increases the secretion of the stored fat content in the form of a liquid.


2- By combining lymphatic drainage application with the treatment, these fats are removed naturally.


3- Radiofrequency energy helps reshape the skin by causing the immediate tightening of collagen fibers and the regeneration of collagen in the long term. Additionally, with dynamic muscle activation, muscle tone is improved and tightened by stimulating the muscle fibers.