Ozone Therapy in Infectious and Viral Diseases

Ozone Therapy in Infectious and Viral Diseases


Due to its anti-microbial properties, ozone can be applied for all types of hepatitis. Hepatitis A virus is not that problematic and allows quick recovery. However, B is a chronic process and ozone therapy has yielded successful results in its treatment. While Hepatitis C is a virus with a long incubation period and takes a long time to become a chronic disease, it is possible to treat it with ozone therapy.


On what type of infectious diseases it has the most significant effects?


– It can be applied to all types of Hepatitis (A, B, C).


– Impacts and destroys the virus directly in viral diseases such as AIDS, shingles, herpes, avian flu, SARS etc.


– Encephalitis, i.e. all viral infections of the brain


– Infections such as SSPE, which can be encountered after measles


– Viral diseases such as upper respiratory tract infections and bronchitis


– Has therapeutic effects for those who contract the flu infection frequently


Chemotherapy in Stomach and Bowel Diseases


Let’s list the effects of ozone therapy in the stomach and the bowels:


– Boosts the immune system


– Heals the intestinal mucus


– Stabilizes the intestinal flora


– Destroys Helicobacter Pylori, which causes ulcers


– Eliminates gas problems in the stomach and bowels


What kind of application is it? How many sessions does it take?


Local rectal applications carried out especially during the early stages have proven to be quite beneficial. In many cases, 10 back-to-back sessions of ozone application is sufficient.


On what kind of stomach and bowel diseases it is most effective?


Positive effects have been observed in the treatment of gastritis and ulcers


Ulcerative colitis


­Crohn disease


­Proctitis and other types of Colitis


­Irritable bowel syndrome.