I have read, understood DR. SERAN GÖÇER’s “Clarification Text on the Processing of Personal Data”  and have been informed regarding “all my rights” with respect to the legislation expressly stated in the text in verbal and written form in a language I can understand. By agreeing to the Clarification Text, I HEREBY GIVE MY CONSENT to the PROCESSING of my contact information, which are among my Personal Data, the processing of which I consented under DR. SERAN GÖÇER’s Clarification Text, by DR. SERAN GÖÇER for the purposes of performing my examination, protective medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment, care and follow-up services, developing the medical treatment administered on me, reminding me of my appointment dates for treatments that require continuity, and personally informing me regarding the latest developments on medical treatments and practices, and TO BE SENT SMS, E-MAIL MESSAGES AND CONTACTED VIA MOBILE COMMUNICATION for the purpose of informing me regarding the latest news and developments on the medical services provided and reminding me of my appointment dates for treatments that require continuity and congratulating me on special occasions.